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From landmines to pandemics, on Mine Awareness Day UN chief says milestones reached by ‘working together’

UNMAS/Gwenn Dubourthoumieu A deminer undergoing training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.         4 April 2020 Peace and Security Decades ago, millions of landmines were buried in countries around the globe, and today the world is in the throes of a deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the UN chief said on Saturday, noting that in both situations, the most vulnerable remain at risk. “Mines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices threaten some of the most vulnerable people in society”,  Secretary-General António Guterres  said in his  message  on the International Day for  Mine Awareness  and Assistance in Mine Action, adding that “now, the world is facing a daunting pandemic”.  United Nations ✔ @UN The achievements of the mine action community show that, in working together, we can reach milestones once seen as impossible – a timely message for our efforts today against # COVID19 . -- @ antonioguterres on Saturday's Mine Awareness Day. http://  

COVID-19: from conflict to pandemic, migrants in Bosnia face a new challe

        3 April 2020 Migrants and Refugees Migrants and refugees hosted at UN-run reception centres in Bosnia-Herzegovina, are learning to cope with the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “We fled from home to save our lives, to escape war, and now we are faced with this new  coronavirus ”, says Rozhan, Along with her husband, Ibrahim, and her three children, she made a long and arduous journey from Iraq, her home country, to Bosnia-Herzegovina in Europe. The family are hosted at the Borići reception centre in Bihać, managed by UN Migration ( IOM ) along with 315 other migrants and refugees, who have escaped conflict and violence in countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria.

Low-skilled workers, developing countries at risk of steep economic decline as coronavirus advances

Low-skilled workers, developing countries at risk of steep economic decline as coronavirus advances UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi Woman waits with cash in hand to make purchase an old time New York City bakery, which counts the number of people it allows in to maintain a safe distance between customers.         1 April 2020 Economic Development The global economy could shrink by up to one per cent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and may contract even further if restrictions on economic activities are extended without adequate fiscal responses, according to analysis released today by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs ( DESA ). The DESA briefing finds that millions of workers are at risk of losing their jobs as nearly 100 countries close their national borders. That could translate to a global economic contraction of 0.9 per cent by the end of 2020, or even higher if governments fail to provide income support and help boost consumer spending. Struggling service industri

COVID-19: International community must step up to prevent pandemic from devastating vulnerable on the run

Video screen shot Young Naamat, a Syrian refugee in Jordan, helps take care of her brothers and sisters.         1 April 2020 Health Given how quickly the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading, an outbreak is “looking imminent” in the world’s refugee camps, crowded reception centres or detention facilities where migrant families are sheltering, the Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Wednesday. UNICEF ✔ @UNICEF Together with partners, UNICEF is ensuring access to information, water, and sanitation services to prevent the spread of # COVID19 among refugee, migrant and displaced populations. But we cannot do this alone. @ unicefchief # AChildIsAChild https://www. /covid-19-pandemic-could-devastate-refugee-migrant-and-internally-displaced  … COVID-19 pandemic could devastate refugee, migrant and internally displaced populations without... 164 10:57 PM - Apr 1, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 48 people are talking about this “An