© UNHCR/Alissa Everett Samrawit, a 20-year-old Eritrean asylum-seeker braids her friend's hair at the UNHCR Emergency Transit Centre in Gashora, Rwanda. 30 July 2020 Law and Crime Prevention The UN commemorated World Day against Human Trafficking on Thursday spotlighting the essential – but often overlooked - role of first responders who identify the millions of victims worldwide, helping them secure justice, and rebuild their lives. “These are the people who work in different sectors - identifying, supporting, counselling and seeking justice for victims of trafficking, and challenging the impunity of the traffickers,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message on the Day, which is observed annually each 30 July. ‘True shift’ needed Their role has only become more important in the context of COVID-19 , particularly as travel restrictions...
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