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Showing posts with the label china environment

China’s environmental journalists shine despite dark times for local media

Liu Jianqiang 27.05.2016 To mark the 2016 China Environmental Press Awards,  Liu Jianqiang explains why supporting investigative reporters is more important than ever chinadialogue's former editor Liu Jianqiang addresses last year's China Environmental Press Awards It’s a common view that standards in mainstream Chinese journalism have been deteriorating for some time now.  But when disaster strikes – for example, as in the Tianijn explosions – it is not just firefighters rushing towards the scene. Journalists follow close behind. The public know that their most reliable source of information during these fast moving events are the reports filed from the scene by professional reporters. China’s news industry has seen huge changes in the past several years, and even the most optimistic of observers admit these have not been for the better. Commercial and political challenges have hindered traditional media doing its ...