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Showing posts with the label Koreaand japan cooperation

Can Japan and South Korea cooperate against COVID-19?

9 May 2020 Author: Kazuhiko Togo, Kyoto Sangyo University In 2019 Japan–ROK relations were their worst since the normalisation of diplomatic relations in 1965. Historical memory  haunts  the two countries and the wartime forced-labour issue played a significant role in their recent trade dispute. So far, the COVID-19 crisis has not had a big impact on the rigid relationship. But South Korean success and Japanese failure in dealing with COVID-19 might open a tiny window of opportunity to renew cooperation and establish a more trustworthy relationship between the two countries. In his speech to commemorate the Korean independence movement on 1 March 2020, ROK President Moon Jae-in made a strong plea to the South Korean people to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. He also  mentioned  working with Japan to overcome the crisis jointly and ‘establish future-oriented cooperative relations’. In this speech, Moon’s rebuking of Japan’s 1910 annexation of Korea has been more moderat...