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Showing posts with the label he UK votes to leave the European Union

The UK votes to leave the European Union

The UK votes to leave the European Union Isabel Hilton 24.06.2016 As four decades of unity come to an end, we reflect on what exiting the EU means for the future of UK-China energy and environmental cooperation David Cameron gave a speech outside Number 10 announcing that Britain had voted to leave the European Union in the results of the EU referendum.  (Image by Number 10 ) On the morning of Friday 24 June, the UK awoke to a position in the world that had changed irrevocably. Overnight, the result of the referendum called by the prime minister, David Cameron, on the UK’s forty year membership of the European Union (EU) was delivered: 53% of those who voted had chosen exit. The UK, and the EU, are now in uncharted territory. Within hours, the prime minister announced his resignation, adding further uncertainties to the political landscape; the UK currency nose-dived and the governor of the Bank of England urgently sought to calm the financi