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$683 million appeal to deliver reproductive health services, where they’re most needed Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), attends a focus group discussion with women in Bangladesh.

© UNFPA/Lauren Anders Brown Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), attends a focus group discussion with women in Bangladesh.         11 February 2020 Women With more than half of all maternal deaths occurring in countries affected by humanitarian crises and fragility, the UN Population Fund ( UNFPA ) is calling for greater international support to provide life-saving reproductive health and protection services in these locations.  The sexual and reproductive health agency has launched a $683 million appeal this year to assist nearly 48 million women, girls and young people in 57 countries affected by conflict or natural disasters.  UNFPA ✔ @UNFPA In 2019, we reached 7.3 million women with sexual and reproductive health services in 54 countries. In 2020, 48 million people urgently require our support. See our # humanitarian action overview to learn more: http://  

UN underlines need for dialogue to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, briefs Security Council members.         11 February 2020 Peace and Security Rising tensions and instability across the globe, particularly in the Middle East, underscore the need to resolve the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the UN Secretary-General told the  Security Council  on Tuesday. António Guterres  was delivering  introductory remarks  at an  open briefing  held just weeks after United States President Donald Trump announced a controversial peace plan for the region.  With the Palestinian President present in the Council chamber, together with Israel’s Ambassador, the UN chief reiterated the Organization’s continued support for a two-State solution: “This is a time f

Teenage girls' education, ‘an indispensable foundation’ for achieving development goals: Guterres

World Bank/Arne Hoel Students in computer programming class at Al Shami Girls Secondary School in the West Bank.         11 February 2020 Women Promoting education for adolescent girls is an “indispensable foundation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”,  Secretary-General António Guterres declared at the launch event of the  Drive for 5  education initiative at UN Headquarters on Tuesday, hosted by the Irish Mission to the United Nations. Drive for 5   is a global call to action for all Governments to commit to five transformative actions: 12 years of free quality education; supportive school environments; teacher training; safe journeys to and from school; and keeping girls healthy in the classroom. “Education is necessary for success and well-being in society”, the UN chief pointed out, “And it is essential for gender equality. A good education can boost a woman’s quality of life and open doors to decent wor

Coronavirus containment is the key, as infections tick up: Tedros

UN News/Laura Quiñones Travellers who enter Colombia through Bogotá airport are being screened for coronavirus.         10 February 2020 Health Governments should continue to treat containment of the  coronavirus  as a priority, the head of the UN health agency,  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , said on Monday. After earlier describing cases of infection in people with no travel history to China as possibly the “tip of the iceberg”, the World Health Organization Director-General warned in Geneva that while the spread of the respiratory disease appeared to be slow, it could accelerate. World Health Organization (WHO) ✔ @WHO Daily media briefing on # 2019nCoV with @ DrTedros https://www. MHwxUkRHbFFYblBQT0pMlNNI2Q6uDL6tW2XSALlnph28DHLDs7pGPShsC6l5KP4=  … Who @WHO Daily media briefing on #2019nCoV with @DrTedros 470 8:09 PM - Feb 10, 2020 Twitter Ads