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Showing posts from March, 2018
Video: How is China’s overseas energy investment impacting the Global South? Charlotte Middlehurst Lili Pike 26.02.2018   0 Recipient countries discuss the impact of projects on development and climate resilience The Belo Monte Dam under construction on the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon, in 2015 (Image:  FabioNascimento/Greenpeace ) China has emerged as a major player in overseas development in recent years with mixed results for the environment and climate change.  It's provided huge sums of financing through the  South-South Climate Cooperation Fund , a pledge of 20 billion yuan (US$3.1 billion) dedicated to helping developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate impacts through low-carbon projects and training. The country is focusing its development ambitions through the  Belt and Road Initiative  (BRI) – President Xi’s dream to build an interconnected infrastructure network for trade across Asia, Europe and La...

CapitalTV; How did Chaudhry Sarwar won Senate seat?

Pakistan in 4K | Documentary Film | 2018

Pakistan's Gwadar port gains economic vitality after free zone launched

SC finds Daniyal Aziz guilty - BOL News