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Peshawar; PCS officers association meeting held

Peshawar(Pakistan)March 19

Meeting of the PCS Officers Association was held today at civil secretariat under the Chairmanship of Mr. Ghafoor Beg. All issues regarding civil service were discussed in the meeting and progress checked. It was noted that committee on civil service reforms at federal & provincial level are both going at a snail pace & not ready to take up the structural issues which form the basis of all that ills the governance. Apportionment formulae 93 whereby federal officers have occupied the provincial governments arbitrarily is still to be revoked. Besides, there is no placement board and postings/ transfer are still done without any criteria, career progression & trainings of officers are on the back burner & performance evaluation is subjective. Deputationists from other departments are still being posted on schedule positions illegally & the government won’t  respond to appeals made in this regard. Even the Summary for change of nomenclature from AAC to AC is stuck with the Establishment department for last 6 months. The issues of FATA transition and Levy/ Khasaddar force during transition were also discussed. It was reiterated that transition may be done in a controlled manner keeping in view the due feasibility & taking on board all the stakeholders. The Association will meet the honourable Chief Minister, KP in coming week and convey him the aforementioned issues accordingly.

Source/PR by
Fahad Ikram Qazi
PCS Officers Association, KP


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